Officials in both Ocean City and Worcester County continue to oppose legislation that would facilitate the evaluation and approval of revised offshore wind projects.
Last week, the Worcester County Commissioners voted to send a letter opposing House Bill 1296, cross-filed with Senate Bill 1161, which would require the Maryland Public Service Commission, as of June 1, to open a revised round-two proceeding to evaluate certain offshore wind projects.
The measure also would authorize certain offshore wind projects to submit certain revised plans for project schedules, sizes, and pricing, including offshore wind renewable energy credit pricing, among other things.
“It’s a change, it’s allowing the wind farms to rebid,” Commissioner Joe Mitrecic said at the end of last Tuesday’s meeting. “With that will come higher numbers.”
In a Feb. 29 hearing before the House Economic Matters Committee, Del. C.T. Wilson (D-28), the bill’s sponsor, said its main objectives are to facilitate the evaluation and approval of revised offshore wind projects in rounds one and two and to set a clear target for achieving the state’s goal of 8,500 megawatts of offshore wind energy capacity by 2031.
Good keep fighting it! Next thing you know, you will see dead marine life washing up and decomposing on the beach. Spending even more money you mrons can’t ever foresee.
NO THANK YOU to wind farms!
I bet alot of you thought this catastrophe had been averted.. Not so. It’s just that enough money hasn’t yet been distributed in the right places. Take note : this WILL happen regardless of the taxpayers.’ opposition.’
You are probably right, sadly. NO to WIND FARMS!
I think you are 100% correct 1:36
Commissioners still have their hand out, once it’s filled it will happen.