Don’t tell the legacy media or the various left-wing politicians, bureaucrats, intelligence agencies, and their minions, paid or unpaid, who wish him ill, but the meme they are seeking to promulgate, overtly and covertly, is dead wrong.

The 45th president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, has not lost a step.
If anything, it’s the reverse. He is sharper than ever.
That’s what experience does.
The attempts to draw an equivalency between the mental fitness of Mr. Trump and President Biden are absurd malicious propaganda.
How do I know this?
I was in the audience of two thousand plus at Nashville’s Opryland on Feb. 22 when Mr. Trump addressed the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) for more than an hour and a half with nary a stumble, consulting a teleprompter or extemporizing as he wished.
He was also wittier than anyone on late night television.
He began this speech some minutes beyond 9:30 p.m. after he had given a previous talk that same evening at a fundraiser in the city.
The man is a force of nature.
This was, roughly, the fifteenth time I had heard 45 speak live, and I had vowed for once not to sit in the press section in the rear.
When Mr. Trump, as he almost always did, called out the “fake news” while pointing at that section, it always seemed he was wagging his finger directly at me.
I wanted to say, “Wait! Wait!” (His real targets were often only a few feet away from me.)
With the looming budget crisis this Friday, shut the government down!! If Speaker Johnson brings any vote to the floor he should be canned immediately as a disgusting RINO!!
He forgot his own wife’s name like 3 days ago. He’s just as mentally gone as Biden.