Illegal immigrants who land in New York City are now reportedly going to receive debit cards that are worth up to $10,000. This is madness.
Is there any wonder why so many of these folks want to go to the Big Apple? They already get free hotel rooms and free meals. What could they possibly need $10,000 a month for?
Have you questioned how so many of these folks are able to buy motorized scooters? Wonder no more.
Md is just as bad, has anyone who works for a living come back from tax office yet?
Well stand by, everyone I hear from is PISSED!!This marxist BS is the sole reason..
Wake up be not woke it’s a lie!!.
Of course if your an illegal or baby momma 8k returns??
It’s clear this immigration mess is being done on purpose. There’s no other way to explain it. Then the question is why? I think the answer is two fold now. 1. the liberal left are trying to change the populous to ensure they never lose another election. 2. Our enemies are taking full advantage of the situation. Think about the sheer numbers that have come into this country. We’re being invaded by foreign armies. The global signs are there…Russia, China, the Middle East and whoever else may be considered an enemy of the USA is flooding our country with people at a time when internally, we’re as divided as ever. The USAs geography with oceans on both sides has served as an incredible deterrent to invasion over the last 250yrs. Ever since radar was invented no one can exactly sneak up on us. Who’s to say the green light won’t be given to the bad actors who are already here to begin attacking from the inside?
YOU bastards better give OUR AMERICANS on the street $ 10,000 Each then Plus Free Housing Plus Benefits
ILLEGAL means ILLEGALS are ILLEGAL = our Dirty Criminals Running our Govt are DOING ILLEGAL Actions !!
Democrats CROSSED the LINE !!! Jail them All for Harboring ILLEGALS & Giving them OUR Taxpayer $$$$$
& Benefits / Free Housing / Medical / Social Security / EBT Food Cards / Driver License / In FRONT of
Line for VETERAN’s Benefits !!!! A CRIME !!!!
NY deserves everything it gets.
Deserves PRISON TIME at RIKERS for Harboring ILLEGALS !!!!!!!
Sanctuary Cities Should be ILLEGAL along with OPEN BORDER !!!! DAMN the Democrats !!!
Our veterans who fought the Damn Wars don’t get $10,000 each or a damn Penny !!!! OUTRAGIOUS !!!
HANG that Dirty Mayor for TREASON !!!!
maybe the illegals beat up that crooked mayor !!
it’s called the Cloward–Piven strategy. also Kind of weird when these “refugees” show up not only from a terrorist country but wearing fairly expensive (not quite prada or gucci but close) gear commonly worn by American military particularly in the counterterrorism field?
CIVIL WAR baby !!!!! We Good Americans NOT putting up with Democrat Party CRIMES !!!!!!