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HB373 Submitted to Amend the Maryland Constitution to Lower Voting Age to 16 in School Board Elections

Maryland House Bill 373 was submitted by a delegate to amend the Maryland Constitution to lower the voting age to 16 in board of education elections. Currently, the Maryland Constitution Article I, Section 1 states that a citizen must be age 18 to vote in elections. This bill has a long-term liberal agenda to accomplish a few things: lower the voting age to 16 in all elections in the state of Maryland, undermine and bypass parental rights to empower children to challenge parental authority, give children rights that they do not possess before they’re legal adults, and to sway the vote of school boards by indoctrinated developing children who are void of understanding. The schools would be used as political machines to influence children, manipulate, and sway the vote for societal control.

The complete bill can be found here:
Passage of this bill would be devastating to society. Please contact your representatives and ask them to OPPOSE HB373. To find your representatives, click here: Find Find My Representatives
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February 10, 2024
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5 thoughts on “HB373 Submitted to Amend the Maryland Constitution to Lower Voting Age to 16 in School Board Elections”

  1. After the Civil War, blacks moved to Maryland to look for jobs.

    Though 100+ years later most are still looking for jobs and collect Welfare and other free government TAX PAYERS handouts.

    Does not matter if they lowered the age to an infant because most vote for politicians who will give them free stuff.

    MARYLAND will always be filled with LAZY CLASS VOTERS

  2. What a marixst load of BS..CANT smoke drink, but can die for country and change genders.
    Makes perfect luciferian sense..they want 16 y/o to vote since they are the next generation of brainwashed marxist


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