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Veterans Affairs Sued to Provide ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery to 163,000 Transgender Vets

The Transgender American Veterans Association filed a federal lawsuit this week demanding that the Department of Veterans Affairs foot the bill for their sex-change surgeries.

The lawsuit, filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, follows a letter sent out by the TAVA on last November’s ‘Transgender Day of Remembrance’ demanding that the VA start paying for the surgeries or face legal action.

“Three years ago today, President Biden repealed the military’s ban on transgender service members. Yet, when we return from service, we do not receive the same level of healthcare from the VA that other veterans do,” said Rebekka Eshler, TAVA president, in a media release.

“The natural step toward transgender people’s true inclusion in the military is for the VA to remedy this gap. Transgender veterans have waited far too long for the VA to provide the gender-affirming surgery so many of us need to survive.”


4 thoughts on “Veterans Affairs Sued to Provide ‘Gender-Affirming’ Surgery to 163,000 Transgender Vets”

  1. I don’t believe there is that many transgenders in the military.Seems like someone wants a large grant to waste.

  2. If an “adult” wants to change genders, that’s fine with me “if they can afford the complete cost”. I don’t want my tax dollars wasted on some wacho because they don’t know who or what they are. And definity no underage kids should ever be transformed.

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