The city of Seattle will pay Black Lives Matter rioters $10 million in a settlement stemming from a lawsuit related to the George Floyd riots in 2020.
“This decision was the best financial decision for the City considering risk, cost, and insurance,” said City Attorney Davison, according to Fox News. “The case has been a significant drain on the time and resources of the City and would have continued to be so through an estimated three-month trial that was scheduled to begin in May.”
“This settlement resolves the majority of the remaining claims arising out of the 2020 demonstration period and is a big step toward allowing the City to focus on the important work of today, while moving forward from events four years ago,” Davison added.
So crime actually does pay. These thugs did nearly $2 BILLION in damages to property and will get a taxpayer reward.
Bullshhht !!!! They should go to PRISON Not get Paid One CENT !!!!
Make BLM PAY the Govt Instead !!!!!!! Criminals !!!!! DUGH
How Much doe Jan 06 Rioters get to Sue for ??????
White people who did not even Riot Jan 06 get Jail for years with NO Charges !!!!! Double Standard !!
Ah, the poles did reverse just as that poster said it would just last week. The world is upside down.
If black lives matter so much, why do they keep shooting each other?