The Biden administration has whined for months about the public’s negative views on the economy, arguing that people are operating on “false perceptions influenced by right-wing media.”
Most Americans have figured out that government officials and the corporate media have a habit of misrepresenting economic data to convince the public that the economy has never been better.
Last June, the White House unleashed a media campaign with corporate media to blast out the message that “Bidenomics” worked and the economy has never been better. But polling data from Real Clear Politics shows that despite the PR blitz, the president’s polling data went down.
Electric bills should be cut in Half by the Govt !!!!!!
These companies are RAPING Americans !!!!!!! They have more $$$$ than the GOVT > ENDLESS
No Need to be charging What they are !!!! GREED !!!! GOUGING !!!!!
The voters are getting what they deserve – and screwing the ones that didn’t vote for PedoSlowJoe and his KneePadHo!
WATCH WHO your supplier is not just the Utility part of your Bill !!! You CAN change who it is !!!! $$$$
Delmarva Power Charges TOOO Much !!!!! Change the Supplier part on your BILL !!!!!!!
Breathing & Eating is a LUXURY !!!!