Before a single vote was cast, the 2020 election was baked into the cake. America’s political and media establishment were not going to let what happened to them in 2016 happen again.
Don’t take my word for it. TIME Magazine published an article in February of 2021 called “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” which describes a vast effort by a network of partisan political operatives, union leaders, and business titans to create a mail ballot “revolution” to oust Trump.
This is, quite literally, a plan hatched by a highly motivated and well-funded few to undermine American democracy as we know it.
Yet, it is not well understood exactly what the American left did and how they pulled it off, and scarier still, how much of it is still legal to this day.
And, oh yes, they are going to use the same playbook again in 2024.
2020 was a Democrat COUP !!!!! They took over News / Facebook / Twitter / Companies / You name it !!
Zuckerbucks did the most damage !!!!!
Facebook even changed their name to Hide !!!!! Now META !!!!
SOROS / Oprah / Bezos / Bill Gates > Democrat Donors !!!! ( ENEMY )
Well the Democrats won’t get to use TWITTER anymore Against America !!!!! LOL LOL SOLVED !!!!!!