A scalpel doesn’t know the race of the patient it’s penetrating; nonetheless, modern medicine devoid of racial ideology just won’t cut it.
Per its online information, University of Washington Medicine “is one of the top-rated academic medical systems in the world. With a mission to improve the health of the public, UW Medicine educates the next generation of physicians and scientists, leads one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive biomedical research programs, and provides outstanding care to patients from across the globe.”
To ensure it’s keeping up with the times, the program boasts a club called “WAG.” The dogmatic alliance aims to hound racism — the Caucasian kind. UWMedicine.org lays it out:
White Antiracism Group (WAG)
WAG originated as part of a series of caucuses in response to the killing of George Floyd in Summer, 2020, in which UW Medicine’s colleagues came together to discuss how to support our Black colleagues and BIPOC community from a whiteness perspective.
White and Proud …. Expect no apologies from me !!!!
Damn Right 3:47 pm !!!! No Slaves or Slave Owners Alive TODAY !!!! We owe NOTHING !!!!
First of all in the event that “WAG”, which is clearly racist, was created after George Floyd, a career criminal overdosed then their message is completely wrong and bias straight out of the gate. This shouldn’t benefit a “prestigious” school in any way shape or form. If they’re so concerned about helping the human race verses teaching medical practice then they should teach young people how to NOT be a George Floyd, or stain on society if you will because that is all he ever was and should ever be remembered as, not to mention he is irrelevant to any movement or anything historical in this country. With that being said I hope and also know that there are plenty more people whom feel and think the way I do that are feed up with this bullshit! I’m hoping in November that the powers that be don’t have enough money and influence to steal another election so we can turn this once great country back around and get back on track to being the greatest country in the world.
Whites are NOT sorry for anything !!!! They have Done NOTHING WRONG !!!!!! Get over it !!!
Sorry my ass
Sorry? For what? For working our asses off so others don’t have to????