Here’s an exhibit of a handout given to 7th graders from our local county school.
When it comes to talking to your child about sex, the State of Maryland and the public school system are hoping that you’re misinformed. They want to deceitfully take away your rights so that they can parent your child on the topic of sex as they see fit. By default, the school system will teach your child about sex in ways you weren’t taught back when you were in school. We have shown countless exhibits from various local school systems promoting and distributing sexually-explicit content to minors along with their systematic practice of gender-identity indoctrination that starts in pre-Kindergarten. Their political agenda is clear: to sexualize your child under the guise of health education.
Topics include gender-identity, gender expression, oral, vaginal, anal, masturbation, contraceptives, pornography, hetero/homosexual acts, same-sex relationships, and how systemic oppression and intersectionality creates sexual racism for people of color and other marginalized groups. This starts on page 28 of the downloadable Family Life and Human Sexuality framework that is used in our schools.
Throw ALL the CRAP OUT !!!! BAN IT
Fire the WOKE !!! They go BROKE !!!
You fight it by pulling your children out of public schools..
I opted my kids out when this crap started. My kids know my expectations, and let me know immediately if anything comes up. We’ve had zero issues since then.
“I wish” to opt out…? how about I demand it?
Stop CRT & Sex Changes !!!!!
Parents tried to opt out in Montgomery County and a federal just denied them. On appeal, but what a shot it would be for them to win this.