Some renters are having difficulty paying their rent.
About 24% of American renters are experiencing rent affordability issues amid high rent prices and other factors, according to a survey put out Monday by Intuit Credit Karma.
The company said the total share of adult Americans who rented amounted to 36%.
Its survey involved over 1,200 US adults and took place online from Nov. 20-26.
Slightly under one-third of millennial renters – 30% – indicated they had trouble covering their rent, according to Intuit Credit Karma. For Generation Z, it was 27%.
Try paying $1800.00 a month in Salisbury !!!! Have Fun
Correct 11:05, It’s impossible to live comfortably on the Eastern Shore with Eastern Shore wages.
Just stay outside of incorporated Towns and Cities like OC. They keep building firehouses until they run out of collected taxes and then simply raise taxes, assessments, etc.
Never move to a Condo or HOA !!!! Unless you are Rich !!! They Raised their fees since BIDEN !!!!!!
The timing was perfect for the Condo & HOA places because of Biden / the Interest rates are now
tooo high & they know you can’t leave so you are stuck having to pay them Whatever they want !!!
Worse than that !!!
Nice when you get a Set mortgage you are comfortable with THEN your Condo or HOA fee goes Up too High
without you having any say THEN you can’t afford to stay there THEN have to sell !!!!! SUCKS
Instead of whining and complaining, why not just rent or purchase housing that costs less? Or, if that’s not available around here you are also legally permitted to move elsewhere. It’s really just simple math. Oh, I forgot that so many people just can’t do simple math. Then they blame other people.