The Biden campaign’s new ad dropped on Thursday and if you thought it was going to be ridiculous, then you were right, but you probably didn’t anticipate how low it would sink.
As you can see below, the ad literally starts off by calling Trump voters extremists, then proceeds to feed us some tired “right side of history” talk before transitioning into nonsense about how he and his empty-suited VP, Kamala Harris, have always supported voting rights.
First off, voting rights were never an issue. No one is trying to stop people from voting unless you count Republicans and conservatives attempting to clean up out-of-date voter roles and stop illegal immigrants from voting in our elections, which the Democrats may very well be upset about. It’s pretty clear the Biden campaign is trying to fabricate this as an issue to make it seem like Republicans are trying to stop regular American citizens from voting in order to awaken a spiteful response against Republicans in the form of voting for Democrats.
I’m not even going to delve much into the “right side of history” nonsense the left likes to say. The victor writes history and people should stop fooling themselves into believing that future generations will look at them with admiration and love because they took the position they did at the time. While it’s fun to think that you’ll be one of the historical figures who will be revered in the future for the decisions you made, the fact is that you won’t know what kind of echo your actions will send out at the moment, and trying to predict the future is like trying to predict the weather 100 years out. Whether you’re loved or hated is up to the people who write the history books in the future.
Not FOOLING Anybody !!!! After ALL the BAD he has done !!!!!
When people can’t buy Groceries they care Not for his Propaganda !!!!!
Democrats are the DEPLORABLES & they have PROVED IT !!!!!
Biden is against MAGA ( Making America Great Again ) so who the hell would want him again !!!!! ??????