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Ousting Joe Biden and Obama/Newsom, the Democratic…Dream Ticket?

It’s been apparent for some time that Joe Biden isn’t in any condition to run for president this year. He’s in even poorer condition to serve another four years as president; hell, he’s not in any shape to serve as president now. I’ve written a fair amount recently on President Biden’s manifest unfitness for office, and going into the election cycle, he’s just going to get worse. The question a lot of us are asking is, “What are the Democrats going to do about this?”

Over at the Washington Times, Joe Navarro has some ideas. First, he posits — as I have — a Democrat convention coup to replace the Biden/Harris ticket.

How will Mr. Biden will be persuaded — or forced — to step down in favor of a brokered backroom deal Democratic convention? Mr. Biden wants a grand legacy of his White House days and full pardons to keep him and his family out of prison.

On the legacy front, Democratic strategists will confront Mr. Biden with the reality that if he gets trounced in the general election by Mr. Trump — as polls say he will surely win — Mr. Biden’s place in history will be beside Jimmy Carter as the most hapless president of the modern era.

If Mr. Biden still resists this pressure, key leaders within his party and the legacy media will take Mr. Biden down and thereby clear the path for a fresh ticket. They fear a new Trump presidency as surely as Brutus put the knife to Caesar.

On this note, Mr. Navarro is probably right. If I had to posit a scenario where the Democrats decide to dump the Biden/Harris ticket, at this point, this is about the only path left open to them. And dump the Biden/Harris ticket they must if they wish to have any hope of winning the presidential election. There’s just no way old Joe is going to be able to hack it.


6 thoughts on “Ousting Joe Biden and Obama/Newsom, the Democratic…Dream Ticket?”

  1. I am tired of hearing Biden is and was too old to be president it’s cognative skills he had none & refused to be tested. People can be older than Biden & be a good leader but he has been out to lunch with Captain Crunch since before he was Vice President with Obama or I should say Hussein who was and is a traitor to this country!

  2. In another country like IRAN the firing squad would be busy > Biden / Harris / Pelosi / Schumer / Schiff /
    Nadler / Maxine Waters / Raskin / AOC+3 / Brenner / Lynch / Rice / Kerry / Comey / Mayorkis /
    Clapper / Romney / McConnell / Pence / CBS ABC NBC MSNBC CNN NEWS members / Facebook /

    So Many Enemys Right here in America would Not be tolerated over there !!!!!!! Lucky they are HERE !!!!

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