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Wicomico County Public Schools Promotes Sex Changes to K-2 Students

The latest finding of indoctrinating grooming materials in Wicomico County Public Schools is a book called “Bodies Are Cool,” which promotes sex changes and body mutilation as a norm. Pictured in the book, you will find women pretending to be men with double mastectomies and men pretending to be women dancing among little girls. This book is featured in K-2 media centers, which are not public libraries but classrooms. The book can be found in Beaver Run Elementary, West Salisbury Elementary, and Westside Primary School media centers. These are all K-2 schools, and the book is not available at any other schools past 2nd grade. This is systematic sexual gender-identity indoctrination designed to target, manipulate, and desensitize young impressionable minds at their first stage of “education.”

You can see the contents of the book in the video below.

You can see proof of the book in these WCPS K-2 media centers:


36 thoughts on “Wicomico County Public Schools Promotes Sex Changes to K-2 Students”

  1. I am a behavioral therapist with a double master’s and a Doctorate. When adults normalize behaviors that are scientifically proven to be false, the results are very confused children who adopt maladaptive behaviors that significantly contribute adverse mental health conditions that I, and other like me need to treat. To me, there is no difference between physical sexual abuse of a minor, and providing these materials for them to read behind their parents backs. Further, I was asked my professional opinion on this by a certain supervisor and I provided the response above. I do not have children in school, but if I did, you can be sure I would immediately home school them. This is child abuse, plain and simple.

    1. 1:23 – I think the good doctor was sharing that the trans situation is not one anyone would support. I think you might want to go back and read those comments. Reading is fundamental.

    2. Stop paying your taxes and see what happens. Colleges are just worthless. All they teach these kids is woke, how to protest, and how to hate this country. What a waste.

      1. You tell me how to ” stop paying taxes. ” You have taxes taken out of your paycheck. You pay property taxes. You pay sales taxes. You pay gasoline taxes. ect,ect,ect.

  2. While the elected school board concept is better than having them appointed by outsiders – our voting block has made it as bad for the local children by electing members that are very similar to what we had before….

  3. If you are a teacher and promote this information to toddlers you should be arrested, fired and registered as a sex offender. This not normal and it never will be.

  4. How about you all politicians, health care providers changing your own bodies. These are wicked and non Christian people. Evil is running rapid.

  5. Freaks … These groomers need to feel yo public’s outrage . They live and work in our communities and should not be allowed to feel secure

  6. I will never accept or normalize this mental illness the so called adult teachers are forcing in children. You need to start standing up for your children, bunch of spineless cowards today too worried about upsetting their little so called Oasis. You stupid asses don’t realize it’s already too late. Hate to see this country in 5-10 years

  7. To the so called double master behavioral therapist blah blah blah. This type of behavior is practiced and accepted in every mental health facility in Salisbury wicomico county and all surrounding counties. They even have trans therapists practicing and treating young children. You all are a bunch of sick mf’s. I bet a good kick in your nuts will clear up ANY gender confusion you have

    1. 1:23 It might be practiced but it will never be FULLY accepted. Come to terms with the fact that if you agree with this bs at all you’re a freak and you too won’t be accepted. And I can tell by your comment you’re already a very angry person. Seek help 🙂

    2. Yeah, we’re the “sick mf’s”. You infiltrate the minds of impressionable, vulnerable and ignorant children to convince them that your psychotic, perverted way of life is normal and they should be ashamed if they feel any different. By the way, it is not acceptable to anyone, here or anywhere else except to the very small population of mentally ill individuals like yourself.

  8. People need to attend and speak up at school board meetings. This is emotional, mental, and physical abuse of our most vulnerable citizens. Only sane people speaking out can stop it.

  9. My trash hasn’t been picked up in 4 days and tomorrow, New Years Holiday it will be 5 days. Jake Day and Jack Heath left this city in bad shape!

    Julie English(City Employee posting on Nextdoor to defend the city)
    Just received this text update from the City of Salisbury:

    (CITY OF SALISBURY): (CITY OF SALISBURY): The Department of Field Operations would like to inform residents that our trash pickup schedule is still disrupted heading into the New Year’s Day holiday due to unprecedented problems with our fleet. We are exploring all options to lessen the impact to residents as much as possible. In the meantime, routes will remain staggered and are currently two to three days behind. On Saturday, crews worked outside their normal schedule to continue to chip away at the deficit, while we are also pursuing the lease of a truck to help overcome the service challenges of our current fleet. We kindly request that residents still understand that if your trash is not collected at the usual date and time, you may leave it out for our crew to collect when they can or return your cans to where you usually keep them in the evening and place them back at the curb the following day.

  10. The questions remain unanswered:
    Who in the school district requested to purchase these materials and put them on display?
    Who approved the purchase and display?
    Who in the administration supervises the purchase approver?
    The existence of these items and their controversial content is no longer a secret. What questions are BOE Board members asking for answers about? What questions are administrators asking?
    At the beginning of each school year all WCBOE employees are required to take online training about child abuse, and to pass a test on what they learned. This year all sat through a streamed training session as well. How does salting the elementary libraries with graphic materials as alleged square with the anti-abuse training and reporting requirements?
    WCBOE does not attempt to purchase and display a copy of every book published. Why these?
    Looking for concrete answers.

  11. Belive me yet? That the luciferian idealogy has taken over. Don’t expect these people with black soulless hearts to understand.. their is what we reaped once the asylum closet doors if baal were opened, what did you expect. Its unrighteous evil and wrong, but from a luciferian perspective you are the vile evil ones who need to be silenced..for questioning it..

  12. Yea you white middle class so called conservatives are the sick mf’s. You’ve been talking this same old BS since Barack Obama was president, he is the one that initiated the transgender movement into the mainstream in our culture demanding it be accepted as the norm and you loud mouth Internet tough guys keep moving the bar. What’s it going to take for you so called tough guys to actually get off of your asses and start fighting back?? Guess what you’re not and you won’t!! You’re all too afraid of the consequences if you actually stand up for what is right, really too scared of going to prison for defending the ones that can’t defend themselves. You’re the same ones that have accepted your daughters bringing home the ghetto thugs as boyfriends, now little Johnny coming home parading around as a female mutilating themselves because your too busy to be bothered or your not willing to lose what little bit you have. Guess what Biden and the likes of Gates, Zuckerberg, musk, Soros and ALL the members of Congress are going to take what little bit you have left. In case you haven’t been paying attention they HAVE ALREADY formed a one world government, literally placing all the necessary people in place in the highest government positions all over the world and it’s already too late to do anything about any of it. They want you to rise up now so they can slaughter as many of you as necessary to prove a point to the rest of you and watch the remaining fall in line. It’s the very same principle they’ve done to Trump. You loud mouth Internet warriors talked the same smack then and realized that if they will do it to someone like him they wouldn’t hesitate with you. Just get ready to live on next to nothing with the new Social credit system or get left completely behind with absolutely nothing. You keep waiting for some knight in shining armor and guess what there is no one coming to save you. Your so called elected officials sold you out decades ago and now they literally aren’t trying to hide it any longer. So keep talking tough while your little boys are turned into girls and share bathrooms with the opposite sex because you have a already proven to the pedophiles that run America you’re not going to do anything about it. Enjoy the drag queens and the trannies because you were too worried about losing what little you had. Like the man said you eventually have to stand up for something or you’ll continue to fall for anything!! Welcome to your new America, the freak show

  13. @4:01 nobody cares about your worthless double master etc. are we supposed to be impressed by you going online and making sure everyone knows you’ve wasted years and thousands on a so called degree that if you aren’t willing to go along with the new social transgender, everyone is racist agenda then you are literally out of a job. You truly believe that because of comment posted you have the where with all to determine someone’s anger or hostility? I’m not angry I just don’t tolerate stupid people or their stupid ideologies, especially when their actions are resulting in pedophilia and abusing young children. Needless to say if you ever tried to subject any of the young children in my family to this garbage I would literally cut your throat!! But I come from a generation when men were forced to be masculine and stand up and fight for the spineless weak people like yourself. I destroyed my own health and well being literally destroying my body defending pus**** like yourself but if I had it to do over I definitely would not . I bet your one of these sick bastards praising Palestinians and enjoy watching your spouse have sexual encounters with others?? Go piss up a rope you spineless pos

    1. 8:18 You also can’t read. 4:01 didn’t say anything about having a degree. Reading comprehension skills are lacking. Product if the public school system?? 4:01 is right about one do sound very angry😂

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