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Now scientists say BREATHING is bad for the environment: Gases we exhale contribute to 0.1% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions

Whether it’s eating less meat or cycling instead of driving, humans can do many things to help prevent climate change.

Unfortunately, breathing less isn’t one of them.

That might be a problem, as a new study claims the gases in air exhaled from human lungs is fueling global warming.

Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say.

And that’s not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing.


12 thoughts on “Now scientists say BREATHING is bad for the environment: Gases we exhale contribute to 0.1% of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions”

  1. What’s next? Culling humans to reduce the excess population? If “women over 30” and “ageing” populations emit more so called greenhouse gases they will start with them then move on to other “undesirables:…sound familiar kiddies? Check your history (which liberals are trying to erase or re-write)…who did this? The Social DEMOCRATIC Party of Nazi Germany.

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