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NO SURPRISES HERE: Study Finds Less Than 4 Percent of American Journalists Are Republicans

After CNN's Wednesday night town hall with former President Donald Trump, CNN hosts Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper analyzed the event, complaining about many things including the audience.

A new study has found that only 3.4 percent of American journalists are Republicans. Did they really need to do a study to learn this? Also, doesn’t that number seem a little high?

This just confirms what everyone already knew anyway. This is why journalists at political debates often sound like they’re debating the Republican candidate – because they are. They see Republicans as opponents, not just political candidates.

It also explains why almost all of them suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Mediaite reports:


11 thoughts on “NO SURPRISES HERE: Study Finds Less Than 4 Percent of American Journalists Are Republicans”

    1. A MAGA Hater !!! Whoever hates making America Great Again has the PROBLEM !!!!!

      Find Another country to live in then !!!! See Ya !!!

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