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A Viewer Writes: No Trash Pickup In Salisbury

They are having equipment issues and can’t get the three new trash trucks purchased. Wow! This city sucks big time! We can put in bike paths, speed humps, a stupid park in downtown next to the library, etc but they can’t get the new trash trucks? Management needs to take the fall.

19 thoughts on “A Viewer Writes: No Trash Pickup In Salisbury”

  1. Soon they’ll be beating the crap out of three shiny, new expensive trucks. Be glad they didn’t get totally weird and order EVs.

  2. Funny how they can’t buy 3 new trash trucks but they can buy a $1 Million dollar rescue truck that isn’t needed. When was the last time that the Salisbury Fire Department responded an a legitimate rescue call? Probably not a dozen times since the paid fire chief stole the rescue truck from the volunteers at Station 2 and moved it up town about 10 or 15 years ago. It’s a truck that is rarely use and it was unnecessary to replace just because the paid employees wanted a new rescue truck. And of course Randy Taylor goes along with the paid firemen even though they endorsed and helped pay for his opponent, Megan Outten’s campaign! Freaking coward! We see how the next 4 years is going to be!

  3. They just RAISED our water/sewer/Trash bill by $100.00 so we pay appx $100 per month for this !!!!!


    We live in Shumaker Manor & pay Twice the taxes that the next door neighborhood outside city limits does !!!

    1. Also those trash trucks are squeezing our expensive trash cans & cracking them So does
      Salisbury Replace them for FREE since they are tearing them up ?????

  4. The trash pick up has been poor to worse this whole year. And the new mayor is no better than fake Jake. We still have pan handlers on Rt 13 south & north. Poor police response no noise ordinance until after 12:00 pm or none at all. Crime higher than ever. This mayor needs to get his act together and the city council they all need to GO!

  5. Ways to save $ for things like trash trucks, better roads. Tear down bike paths have seen 1 person in a bike around college or anywhere in 3 yrs. Take up orange cones everywhere for less accidents. Rip up concrete planters streets around SSU so more road for traffic. Quit wasting $ on foolish things. Repair existing city streets and quit blocking off Isabella St another traffic hazzRd remove John Cannon & Muir Boda from the city. Replace the new mayor!!!!

  6. can we blame randy taylor yet? The guy ran on transparency and he has not done a thing so far…expect be absent during this trash collapse….

  7. One thing that never gets mentioned anymore is our city’s slum lords and the deplorable homes they have. John Cannon still at the top, the tenants will not allow walk through an and the owners never reach out to get the sheriffs office to allow access. The rentals on Vine Street need to be condemned boarded up and falling down. Trash and debris everywhere, rotten sheds, abandoned vehicles,. Do we even have city inspectors anymore or do they just sit on their butts. Great look wake up new mayor & chief of Police—Salisbury is SLUM CITY!!!!!

  8. Today is December 29th our regular trash pick up is Thurs today is Fri it is after 2:00 pm still no trash pick up needless to say this is trash from Xmas etc their is trash everywhere and no pick up we expect no charge on our bills for this week in the city!!!!!

  9. This is Dec 29th Fri Washington St area Thurs is the regular trash pick up not done, 2:00 Fri still not done this is post Christmas a lot of trash. We should not be charged for this week at all for no one in the area! Poor service & getting worse if the city can’t afford to pay for new trucks not our problem. We pay more every year and get less. No wonder the SPD refer to us as the 2nd Delaware Ave because the city has no inspectors and slum landlords and we are forgotten citizens!!!!!

  10. I buy a $60.00 trash sticker from the County so I Should have the OPTION to Opt Out of Trash Pick UP &
    Save $$$$$ !!!!! Also I have a Water Well so I should be able to use that & Opt OUT of the Water Bill !!!!!

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