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WAYNE ROOT: TRUMP VS. OBAMA: Get Ready for the Greatest Political Battle in History

By Wayne Allyn Root

Donald J. Trump is the still the heavyweight champion of the world. He is the greatest brander, promoter, salesman, pitchman and politician in history.

Name the most popular presidential brand names ever in our history…George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, FDR, John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama.

Not one of them could be leading a presidential race (let alone pulling away) after being impeached twice, indicted four times, and facing 700+ years in prison!

The latest Rasmussen poll is out. Trump is winning by a ten point landslide. He’s beating Biden 48% to 38%. And that’s with only two candidates in the race. If RFK Jr. and Senator Joe Manchin join in, making it a four-way race (starring 3 Democrats vs Trump), I predict a 15 point Trump victory.

But of course, presidential races aren’t based on the popular vote. The Electoral College is what counts. We all know that race is based on seven ultra-competitive purple states. In the latest Bloomberg/Morning Consult poll out today, Trump is winning all seven battleground states that will determine the 2024 election:

Georgia- Trump up 6 pointsMore

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