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EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani Speaks to Gateway Pundit Following “UnAmerican” Trial in DC Court, Says He Will Appeal $148 MILLION Ruling – Still Stands by His Statements About the 2020 Election

Rudy Giuliani speaks to over one million Trump supporters on January 6, 2021 at the Ellipse in Washington DC. TGP photo

America’s Mayor Rudy Giuliani spoke to The Gateway Pundit exclusively on Friday night to share his thoughts and plans to appeal the DC Court’s finding that he defamed Georgia 2020 election workers.

The DC jury ruled that Rudy Giuliani owes plaintiffs $148 MILLION in Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss’ lawsuit against him for alleged defamation after he claimed the two women contributed to voter fraud in Georgia’s 2020 election.

At the time of the 2020 election, the two women made little money. Shaye Moss’s annual salary was reportedly about $35,000 as an interim supervisor at the elections department. However, one document from the plaintiff’s exhibits showed that Moss’s pre-tax income was $259,000 during at least one of the years since the 2020 election. Freeman and Moss were elevated to the level of heroes in the mainstream media after the election and by Joe Biden earlier this year when he awarded them both Presidential Citizens Medals for their “exemplary contributions to our democracy surrounding January 6, 2021.”

The Gateway Pundit reported on the shocking news that the DC jury awarded Ruby and Shaye $100 million more than their attorneys asked for. The $148 million total will be split between the mother and daughter.


9 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE: Rudy Giuliani Speaks to Gateway Pundit Following “UnAmerican” Trial in DC Court, Says He Will Appeal $148 MILLION Ruling – Still Stands by His Statements About the 2020 Election”


    Here we are again with the need for torte reform. Let’s speculate that the damage is real. Settlements need to be limited to actual and realized damages. Like if someone got fired,got unemployment benefits and quickly got an equivalent job. No damages here right?

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