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Democrats scheme to ban Republicans from office, undermine ‘democracy’

Leftist majority simply trying to eliminate opposition

Democrats in the state of Oregon are scheming to eliminate many Republicans from elected office, in what’s described as an actual threat to “democracy.”

Which is why, according to a commentary by Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, at Front Page Magazine, America is a republic.

The Oregon fight now is in court. But what majority Democrats have done is adopt legislation that would bar members of a Republican minority who staged boycotts to deprive the legislature of a quorum from running for office.

The walkout concept is something that Democrats themselves routinely have used, to praise from legacy media outlets.


3 thoughts on “Democrats scheme to ban Republicans from office, undermine ‘democracy’”

  1. We are already ENSLAVED by one Party Rule ( Democrat ) who has taken over ALL our GOVTS !!!! FACT
    Next they sell us to CHINA !!!!

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