During the 2023 school year, the Somerset County Public School administration spent nearly $286,000 on attending 59 trips across the U.S. to 19 different states. Many of these places were visited multiple times, including CA, TX, KY, PA, GA, and DC. A public information request was filed to obtain the information, which reveals this cost consisting of airfare, classy hotels and resorts, dining, conference tickets, car rentals, Uber, etc. One of the lavish trips cost taxpayers $39,600 for 11 people to go to an all-inclusive resort in San Antonio, TX. The record also includes local hotel stays in Ocean City, MD at the Fontainebleau Resort, and the Hyatt Regency in Cambridge, MD when administrators could have easily drove and slept at home.
This information was requested months ago, but it took Somerset’s Superintendent to announce his resignation before it was released. The school district’s academic performance is at the bottom of the barrel. Some may say that’s why they’re spending $286,000 on conferences in order to improve education. However, we have historically seen the more we spend, the worse things get. The “use it or lose it” mentality is at play, always rewarding this misbehavior with a 4-5% annual budget increase to only compound the situation. This has been going on for years, but the citizens of Somerset County have yet to see their rate of return.
Spending does not provide a solution. The main issue here is the responsible management and being a good steward of taxpayer resources. To date, board members William McInturff and Troy Brittingham, Jr. have completely dismissed any concern of financial waste, fraud, and abuse, and even work diligently to cover it up. It wasn’t until the day board member Andrew Gleason took office that this was brought to light before the public.
And I thought he only “retired” because he was caught cheating the system by claiming his primary residence was a boat in Crisfield! Our highly-educated superiors have no shame. Has anyone else noticed how many MD top level educrats have abused MD taxpayers?
Such a waste! They keep asking for more money and the state and county keep giving them more money so I guess they consider this kind of spending acceptable. Believe me that is not how the taxpayers feel. I’d really like to know how this compares to surrounding counties.
Sounds like VACATIONS !!!!
Maybe these people should be FIRED & made to Pay Back the Taxpayer Money !!!!! DUGH
Schools ran by ECI !!!!
Warden probably went with them !!!!
I would like to know what in the hell goes on at these “conferences “. From the test results we see it must not be anything about educating the students. I can’t say what I think goes on because my comment won’t be posted
My guess is that all of the attendees were board members and administrators. I doubt any teacher ever got the privilege of attending these conference/vacations.
There’s a good chance these funds were state or federal grants earmarked for training/conferences. If you don’t use it, you lose it. Can’t blame them for taking advantage of the opportunity.
What a load of crap. Everyone knows that conferences are just excuses to get out of town on everyone else’s dime. You should have heard all the conversations I’ve heard over the years by our ‘superiors’ who were building administrators to get everyone on board. It was a big joke, and many staff would jump right on that bandwagon. From my perspective it was a waste of money and I wouldn’t use my personal finances to pay for something like what was shelled out. Glad I’m retired – now I can call out those fools and am untouchable.
The $286,000 does not include compensation to the attendees. Students and taxpayers are paying the price as test scores in Somerset are only better than Prince Georges, Baltimore City, and Baltimore School for criminals!
But Somerset spends more than any other district in the State.
Salisbury school for criminals is ranking a close second as Dr M keeps a smile on his face as “its for the children”
Waist of taxpayer $$$$$$$ !!
Heck they are pocketing the money as usual. It looks good on paper!🤣😂
The same thing the Dentists do & other businesses only they do it on THEIR OWN MONEY not Taxpayer’s $$$
There is no obligation to attend the conference after you check in. Most just head to the beach or bar and enjoy themselves for the entire length of stay. Like most government operations, a total waste of taxpayers money. Sad thing is that it’s not only the school board but other government entities as well and never any consequences.
The conferences are where board members get brainwashed into thinking that teaching porn to kids is a good idea and that boys playing girls sports is just fine. It’s pathetic that this kind of behavior is taking place and there is no real outrage.
ECI probably gave them the idea !!!!
They could have just went to Smith Island !!!!