In their latest attempt to dumb down information and con parents, the State of Maryland has created a school rating system with a formula so complicated it would take a rocket scientist to figure it out. It leaves many parents with the illusion that the students in their schools are actually learning when most are not.
Obscuring information is nothing new in the Maryland Public Schools. Last year, former Maryland Superintendent of Schools Choudhury and the Maryland State Department of Education were hiding the low scores of some schools by using an asterisk in place of the actual scores. They explained the deception by saying they were “protecting student privacy” in certain schools. It was an explanation that didn’t hold water.
Building on that tactic, the State is now assigning a “star rating” to schools. Here is the explanation of which categories they use to develop these ratings:
The “star rating” is made up of five different star levels, 1 being the lowest, 5 the highest. To determine how many stars a school gets, one adds up the “points” they get for their success in the indicators.
They sure do put a lot of lipstick on that pig! Bottom line – Worcester sucks the least and they are crowing about it.
Dumbing down
It’s curious that the Elementary Achievement in math among Talbot County disabled students (<=5.0%) is the same number as among Talbot County Black/African American students.
While the disabled student could understandably have cognitive deficits to account for very low scores, what underlying roadblocks are in the way of achieving even minor success by b/aa students?
It’s also curious that you, 3:50, are a racist swine.
What, for pointing out a truth? Poor b/as school performance is a product of cultural norms that promote it. Breaking free of the self-destructive, self hating, victim mindset, with an eye on being saved by Liberal policies is the only hope. Gangsters aren’t born, they’re created.
No, for even thinking that there is such a thing as “Black/African American.” “Blackness” was invented to promote and maintain social inequity. There’s no such thing as “black” or “white.” People don’t run around with light meters measuring the reflection of sunlight off humans’ skin. Italians are darker than Nordic europeans. Latinos come in all colors. Some white people have darker skin and some darker skin (“Blacks”) have lighter skin. THE RACIST PART IS THAT YOU STILL USE THOSE LABELS.
Democrats do and promote it for the votes.
A typical Democrat knee-jerk reaction with no actual point.
It can’t be a shortage of diversity, equity or inclusion. There’s already more of that in schools than anywhere, confusing little minds with useless information.
Is being b/aa treated as a learning disability in its own niche? Some would have us think so.
Here is a thought. Have schools only report the number of students on grade level for Reading and Math at the Elementary level. Middle and High schools would report on level Math, English, Civics/Social Studies and Science. Nothing fancy, and straight to the point.
Democrat Party MARYLAND Govt !!
I’m a teacher in wicomico county and most of the high school students read at least 4 grade levels below where they are. Throw more money at it. Maybe that will work!
Reading skills improve when people read more. Texting does NOT count as reading.
Current state of national education…Deception lies and theft..DEFUND public education dissolve the BOE and marxist teachers union issue school vouchers
never! just remember all the democrat elites and politicians send their kids to private school. no school choice for the retards of society!