During the December 12, 2023 school board meeting, the Wicomico County Board of Education announced that there have been 116 student attacks on faculty this year to date. If there were that many attacks on adults, one can only imagine how many students were attacked. The public school system is very unsafe, and any teacher or student will tell you that. The big question is, what will be done to make our schools safe?
The WCBOE approved some policy revisions at their meeting in attempt to address student conduct, including paid leave for faculty injured as a result of an attack. Here are some of the policies, which you can look up here.
Will any of these policies work, will they be enforced, and will anything change?
The WCBOE has several policies that they fail to enforce, and many of these policies even contradict their actions. When you point that out, their policies suddenly become irrelevant. Everything becomes an “isolated incident,” nobody else reported any issues, and your the only parent with this concern. We’ve all been there, and the saga continues. They typically apply these policies only to citizens, while exempting themselves and their administration. We will show you a perfect example.
A simple solution is to have students charged and the full extent of the law placed upon them. Cage the animals and apply consequences. Further, charge their parents as well. They raised the animals, and they are responsible.
Many would be shocked to know what’s going on in the county schools. A pregnant teacher was punched in the stomach in one of the middle schoools, and another teacher was blamed for “escalating” the incident, while the student got a 3 day suspension.
If a teacher is assaulted, send them to military school. End of story. At 18, they get auto-enlisted into the military. Solves the recruitment issues the military is having and gets these kids out of the way so the ones who want to learn can learn.
lmao at all you fools! I brought up many years ago the bs going on with bringing so called special needs kids from outside this state into this county and putting them in school with our children. they are not special needs they are the worst of the worst and out of state school districts would dump them here. Of course Bonnie was more the happy to run the program cause it brought in more money from the other school district! that’s how she made her name and position! Your kids and you be damned!
and no one seems to care! shame on you wicomico parents! you deserve your lot, unfortunately you have been and continue to fail your own! no parents would be better then lazy ignorant selfish parents!
Whatever happened to expelling students for this sort of thing? Get out and stay out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jail them too for Assault !!!! SOLVED
They won’t that’s the problem… stop voting Democrat
If you expel more blacks than whites funding gets cut
There are many factors at play, and yes there are parents that are part of the behavioral problem. But the the enablement and hypocrisy of the WCBOE and administration is evident as they: 1. Create, foster and fuel the fire. 2. Market themselves as the savior. 3. Ask for more money to fix what they created. 4. Repeat the process.
This has become a system of child exploitation that only gets worse. They blame it on new legislation that restricts their ability to discipline, but there are three on the board (Malone, Brown, Palmer) who never enforced discipline long before any restrictive legislation. To the board, the seat is all about the path of least resistance and keeping the money flowing. Just listen to their closing comments at the end of each board meeting.
Stand up to the Punks !!!
The schools problems all have one easy answer. Just let Darren Lombardo and his few minions solve the world’s problems, including how to live at two places at the same time.
Who is Darren Lombardo?
Exercise the RIGHT to defend oneself & use Force necessary !!!
Looks like he pulled a Knife in Pic !!!! He would be FINISHED !!!
Juvy Jail has Plenty of Room !!!!!!
Naylor Mill Road baby !!!!!
Lock the offenders up enough said🥴
These Punks think they are Tough !!! LOL in Jail they will be Crybabies !!!!!