Let’s see, the FBI has had Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell since December 2019. It was so very damaging to Hunter, his father, and his family that the powers that be at the FBI and DOJ suppressed it.
This was election interference writ large. Both those formerly revered institutions had been thoroughly weaponized during the Obama Marxist/socialist administration. They were, by then, malevolent agencies bent upon surveillance of the American people and control of the American people.
Trump was a force for freedom and America, as founded, with all the liberties and protections our Constitution guarantees.
So they hated Trump. With all manner of devious unconstitutional actions since Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, this bunch of thugs at the FBI and DOJ set out to destroy the man and foil his election; thus, the Russia hoax was conceived.
Consider all the people in those two organizations who shredded the Constitution in order to take him out of the running, the lies told, and the money spent. They thought they had the election securely rigged in Hillary Clinton’s favor; so did she. They cheated then, but not enough to defeat him, so they doubled down; they kept up the Russia hoax nonsense and turned every trick in the book to criminalize the man. Left-wing Democrat lawyer Mark Elias was sent to numerous states to fiddle with election law and adjust it to favor Democrats. Unleashing China’s bioweapon on the world may just have been their most evil ploy. We know they had planned just such an enterprise earlier, Event 201.
But Trump’s popularity prevailed. They would have to cheat again but with greater success. And they did.
So make no mistake, they stole the election and installed the mindless, incompetent, and corrupt Joe Biden, and Obama’s third term commenced. It has been Obama’s cabal who have been running the show – Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, the hapless Tony Blinken and Jake Sullivan, et al.
NO they LOVE him because he is Braindead & a RUBBER STAMP for them since day ONE in STOLEN OFFICE !!!!
Perfect Puppet with Kamala as Insurance since NOBODY likes her > even her own Party !!!!!
Americans have Decided it is TIME 3 years ago for this TRAITOR BIDEN to GO !!!!!!
I decided that on his day one!!! He is a bottom feeding scumbag POS!! He has ruined this country and the American way of life,. When I was little and would chase butterflies, pick daisies, lay in the cool green grass and watch the clouds and dream, I never did dream that our great country would end up like it is since that A**hole got his foot in the door, with Obama’s help, who started the downfall of this country. Thanks a bunch you two bastards!