Joe Biden spoke to the press for the first time since the revelation that he received direct payments from one of his son’s shady businesses. That news broke in the face of the president’s repeated denials over the years claiming that he had zero connections to Hunter Biden’s dealings.
When faced with the glaring contradiction, Joe Biden freaked out, doubling down and storming out of the press conference.
He has Shut DOWN the whole country !!!! GET HIM OUT !!!!!
Biden hasn’t shut the country down, he doesn’t even know the difference between day and night. Most of the time he doesn’t even know where the hell he is. Obama is the s.o.b. Who is running the show and trying his destroy the country, and the democrats still think he is the second coming of Christ. I just don’t understand how anyone with even just a little bit of sense cannot see this
He can’t talk off-Script or he would be in trouble !!!!!
Press should showd him out of the room !!!!!
Runs away as Usual !!!! COWARD !!!