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Snopes Sides with Trump Against Biden Campaign’s False Smear in Rare Move, Enraging Leftists

When liberals lose Snopes, they’re losing their minds.

The most notoriously dishonest “fact-checker” in the dishonest “fact-checker” business, Snopes has a well-earned reputation for putting a thumb firmly on the left end of the scale in rendering judgments on what should be objective disputes.

In a post published Sunday, though, Snopes took the side of former president Donald Trump — and liberals are raging.

In the article, Snopes addressed a claim by the campaign team for President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris that Trump had admitted to “waging an all-out war on American democracy.”

The idea is absurd on its face — that a former president running for office again would openly declare a “war on American democracy,” but such is the fantasy world of the modern left.


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