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If You’ve Never Been To The Route 346 Emporium In Parsonsburg, Here’s A Sample Of Our Store

There are literally thousands of items throughout the store and the images above are just a small part of what we have to offer. Thousands of albums, Christmas items, additional rooms not shown above. There’s really something for everyone. 

Most thrift store are non profit stores and their items are donated to them for free. Shop around, (seriously) we buy everything and still sell it for less. We are in the business to buy and flip items as quickly as possible. Why spend so much money on Ikea junk when you can buy quality furniture for so much less. We don’t buy junk so if you want those kind of items you’ll want to go to the Dollar Store and places like it. Yes we even have at Art Gallery with many signed and numbered pieces.

Take a trip to Parsonsburg and come visit us, you won’t be disappointed. We’re on Old Ocean City Road. If your looking to downsize and sell certain pieces give me a call and we’ll come take a look and make you an offer. I purchased seven estates in the last three weeks. 410-430-5349

1 thought on “If You’ve Never Been To The Route 346 Emporium In Parsonsburg, Here’s A Sample Of Our Store”

  1. Do stop by. The wife and I enjoyed browsing for every bit of an our yesterday. Was able to chat with Joe and learned of his hopes for the store. Lots of very interesting items for sale at truly reasonable prices. Joe makes a point of asking if you are seeking specific items. If he doesn’t have it now he will search his various contacts to obtain it for you.

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