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Democrats Embrace Mental Illness in the Name of Diversity

In the most technical sense, if you were to celebrate diversity for its own sake, you would have to celebrate things that are, to put it mildly, counter-productive. Normal people celebrate accomplishments, progressive Democrats celebrate only certain kinds of existences, while condemning others (but weirdly electing them to high office, like President Old, Straight, Rich White Guy). But “diversity” is a meaningless word, which makes celebrating it even odder. Yet, that’s what Democrats do. At a certain point, however, shouldn’t they care enough about the people they deem worthy of “celebrating” to try to help them?

That’s a rhetorical question, obviously. The progressive power structure in this country, and the world, has no use for individuals beyond them being weapons and props. So, when discussing things like “the trans community” they ignore the reality surrounding the suicide rate and drug abuse problems throughout it.

Instead, you get meaningless pap like the meme tweeted out by a group called “Pride UK” which read, “Respecting a person’s pronouns is suicide prevention.”

Might I suggest that, if you are genuinely concerned with the well-being of any person or group of people, you might want to focus on whatever issues are causing them to teeter on the edge of suicide, not indulging them in their delusions. Because, whether out of malice or simple reality, sooner or later someone is going to point out how odd it is that the bearded person in a dress is using a urinal. If that’s enough to send someone over the edge into harming themselves or others, early intervention is needed.

That’s not what Democrats do. They insist we lie, that we play along and indulge people. That we deny reality because reality upsets some people. That serves no one and, like pretty much every policy idea Democrats advance, it helps no one either.


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