We’ve seen a lot of folks fleeing the Democrats in the past few years, and it’s little surprise given the poor results that Joe Biden has delivered to the country.
There have been reports for a while now about a significant portion of the black vote moving away from Democrats and Joe Biden. Now, every election, there seems to be big speculation on that. But the New York Times noted an astonishing number that should make everyone sit up and take notice.
In a poll of residents in battleground states by The New York Times and Siena College this fall, 22 percent of Black voters said they would support former president Donald Trump over President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 matchup.
For comparison’s sake, in the close race in 2020, former President Donald Trump allegedly got eight percent of the black vote.
Twenty-two percent would be a tidal wave and likely spell doom for Biden. I’m not sure I believe the number is that high. But if it’s anywhere close, Biden’s goose may be cooked, as Cook Political’s David Wasserman explained.
Biden won’t be back. The Democrats nominee will be a black person, guaranteed. At this point, it’s the only way they can win. Experience and capabilities don’t matter. They know that if they have a black nominee, the mindless zombies will turn out in droves to vote solely for skin color.
They have finally figured out that Obiden hates blacks. He always has!