A new report today in the Daily Mail suggests that Dr. Yusen Zhou, the scientist who filed the patent on the COVID 19 vaccine in only three months, died when he was thrown from a roof in 2021.
The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on Zhou Yusen (or Dr. Yusen Zhou) since the outbreak of the COVID pandemic.
As reported earlier, Yusen Zhou was from the People’s Liberation Army’s State Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Biosecurity in Beijing and a key link to the People’s Liberation Army’s research on coronaviruses.
Dead people don’t talk
NO Loose Ends Allowed !!!!
Should have thrown fauci along with him
Not necessary Here since he has Democrat Party Protections !!!!!
Keep pulling that string, as we all know the democrats and China colluded to steal the election. Covid lockdowns, mail in from dead people and dumping midnight ballots. This guy was Arkansasawed. Ill go out on a lim and say …he Probably knew to much
Whats Next ??? !!! Anthrax Attack ????
No shots need to be fired & China is Taking Over America & killing us by the Millions !!!!! FACT
No Punishment for China so they have found the Perfect Way to take us out !!!! No WAR !!!!
Jan 06 these should have been Thrown Off the Roof > Pelosi /D.C Mayor / Pence / Romney / McConnell /
Schumer / Schiff / Nadler / AOC+3 / Waters / Raskin