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The shocking TRUE history of Barack Obama’s presidency

Exclusive excerpt from bestselling exposé of America’s most subversive leader

Barack Obama’s presidency was historic. Pundits said it, celebrities tweeted it, and the community organizer from Chicago was not shy about constantly bringing it up.

And it was true.

Over a decade after his inauguration, we are still living in his shadow. His history of economic decline, racial division, and terrorist appeasement is our present. The third term of his presidency under Biden makes him inescapable even long after leaving office. The Biden administration is extending his fundamental transformation of America. Its open borders, woke military, critical race theory, terrorist appeasement, and wealth redistribution are a continuation of Obama’s war on our national sovereignty, on the middle class, on the family, and on free enterprise. From a new administration staffed with all his old people to the familiar economic misery that Americans thought they had left behind, it is as if the Obama administration never ended. And, as the nation endures a third term of Obama, many wonder if it will ever end.


6 thoughts on “The shocking TRUE history of Barack Obama’s presidency”

  1. He tried his best to SPY on Americans & make the WHITE people pay for Black’s Health Insurance !!!! FACT
    He Gave Billions in cash to our ENEMY IRAN along with KERRY !!!!!!

  2. Why doesn’t anyone talk about the agenda 21 that got signed years ago by 13 countries. Now called agenda 21/30. It’s all about what’s being done to our country. Bill Gates and others are part of. Also this Obama stuff. It’s not for the good of the people. Our congress should be stopping this and the others that’s part of this.

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