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Items Coming This Week To The Route 346 Emporium In Parsonsburg

We have a few incredible bedroom sets. Why spend up to $10,000.00 on a new set when you can buy from us a slightly used set for many thousands less. You can see the quality, high end brand name furniture.

If you’ve never seen our store you should take some time this weekend and take a look. I truly believe you’ll be amazed at what we have. 

Route 346 Emporium llc 32993 Old Ocean City Rd Parsonsburg MD 21849. Open Thursdays and Fridays 10am to 5pm. Saturdays 10am to 4pm and Sundays noon to 4pm. 410-430-5349

2 thoughts on “Items Coming This Week To The Route 346 Emporium In Parsonsburg”

    1. Joe Holloway has been kind enough to continue working with me as well as his wonderful bride Faye. These are incredible people who love and enjoy their customers for many years. I purchased the business along with my wife about a month ago.

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