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Is it cheaper to refuel your EV battery or gas tank? We did the math in all 50 states.

Gasoline cars are cheaper to refuel than electric vehicles.

I’ve heard this claim pop up everywhere from Massachusetts to Fox News over the past two years. My neighbor even refuses to plug in his hybrid Toyota RAV4 Prime over what he calls ruinous electricity rates.

What gives?

The basic argument is that electricity prices are so high it has erased the advantage of recharging over refilling. This cuts to the heart of why many people buy EVs, according to the Pew Research Center: 70 percent of potential EV buyers report “saving money on gas” as among their top reasons.

So how much does it really cost to refuel an EV?

The answer is less straightforward than it seems. Just calculating the cost of gasoline vs. electricity is misleading. Prices vary by charger (and state). Everyone charges differently. Road taxes, rebates and battery efficiency all affect the final calculation.

So I asked researchers at the nonpartisan Energy Innovation, a policy think tank aimed at decarbonizing the energy sector, to help me nail down the true cost of refueling in all 50 states by drawing on data sets from federal agencies, AAA and others.


8 thoughts on “Is it cheaper to refuel your EV battery or gas tank? We did the math in all 50 states.”

  1. Only ONE reason they are pushing EVs – Politicians have stock in it. Its the only reason over the last 20-30 years any of these legislations have been pushed. Insider trading… PERIOD

    They do not care about the country, you or anything you believe in – its about control and money.

  2. There is more to this story than “is it cheaper”. There is also convenience. You can fill up a gasoline vehicle on almost any street corner. It’s really hard to find a charging station. You could install a charger in your home but that’s not exactly cheap, and a home charger takes forever to charge up your vehicle.

  3. WELL Since there are alot of ELECTRIC cars now > Demand for Gas should have gone DOOOWN So WHY is
    Gas Still Toooooo HIGH ???? DUGH Not Rocket Science !!!! We are getting SCREWED !!!!!

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