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Resort Eyes Electric Bus Transition Plan

OCEAN CITY – Resort officials this week got a better understanding of how long it would take to transition the town’s transit system from diesel to electric.

In an Ocean City Transportation Committee meeting Tuesday, Transit Manager Rob Shearman presented members with an estimated timeline for transitioning its diesel fleet to electric. While a state committee has recommended local transit systems convert by 2025, he told the committee the town could not meet that mandate.

“We’re not opposed to a transition to electric,” he said. “In fact, we think our system will have fewer obstacles to a transition to electric buses than many of the other systems across the state. But we are just concerned with the aggressiveness of the timeline. We don’t think we’ll have charging infrastructure in place that quickly.”

Earlier this year, the committee began discussing the transportation department’s plans to convert its diesel fleet to electric after receiving a statewide zero-emissions bus study for Ocean City Transit. While no specific mandates have been placed on local transit systems, the town agreed to begin working with a consultant to create a transition plan.

It is estimated that the town’s transition to electric would total $99 million in capital costs and $1.9 million in annual operating costs, and the transition plan would allow the town to receive federal funding to support the project. However, Shearman told committee members Tuesday that a new recommendation from the Maryland Commission on Climate Change could complicate the town’s plans for fleet electrification.


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