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It’s obvious to all that Biden is too old for the job

A Yahoo News/YouGov poll out Wednesday finds that 54% of Americans think President Biden no longer has “the competence to carry out the job of president.”

One look at the soon-to-be 81-year-old president’s meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping tells you why. A stooped handshake, blank stares at the conference table, his stammering press conference … Biden is slower, more feeble and mentally not all there. Media apologists try desperately to convince us otherwise, but we all have eyes, ears and a TV.

So his team makes sure we don’t see. Biden keeps banker’s hours, with almost no interaction with the press that isn’t stage-managed and telepromptered. Just keep this “Weekend at Bernie’s” presidency going until the election, at all costs.

America deserves better. At the summit, Xi said the world was big enough for both China and the United States, but just because two superpowers aren’t at war doesn’t mean they don’t clash. We are in competition with China for resources, for influence, for economic security and ideological freedoms. The Chinese have a plan. Do we? Biden doesn’t even know how to get off a stage.


7 thoughts on “It’s obvious to all that Biden is too old for the job”

  1. He needs to GO and Trump is not that much younger. Enough with OLD WHITE MEN. DC has become where people with no talent for Hollywood seek to go to get some limelight and FAME. Look at Marjorie Taylor Green she will say and do any off-topic and repugnant fantasy thing just for attention. LOL and George Santos? What Republican in their right mind elected him? Both parties need a total strip down and extermination of all the VERMIN and a total redefining rebuild and I don’t think Trump or any other candidate on the board knows enough about or has access to the supposed LOL Deep State that doesn’t exist to do it. Someone has to come up with something NEW.

  2. Joe is too crooked and stupid…………not just too old. Trump is one hell of lot different than Joe. There is just no comparison. TRUMP 2024!!!! MAGA!!!

  3. Agree exactly with first comment some elderly are extremely sharp it’s a cognative problem they need to pass a test to be in office Trump just took another one and passed Biden couldn’t pass and didn’t test in 2020.

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