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Congratulations Randy Taylor

It’s official, Randy Taylor has been confirmed as the next Mayor of Salisbury Maryland. It’s about time a CONSERVATIVE took the reigns. Best of luck Randy.

13 thoughts on “Congratulations Randy Taylor”

  1. It is going to take a while to recover from what the communists did to this city.

    Try working with the Police and Sheriffs departments – and make peace with the County and we can start to have forward progress!

    Get rid of the wasted bike lanes and the traffic snarling roundabout. kill the plans for section 8 housing and let the market settle its’ course!

  2. It’s reins, like what attach to the bit to guide the horse, or what Border Patrol officers got accused by Biden and the whole MSM of using to whip Haitian illegals swarming the southern border. They lied.

  3. WHy should we be commending Taylor who openly said he plans to be an “inclusive” and socially progressive mayor? Listen to his recent interview…..he’s also very close the local RINO establishment like Insley and Cannon….more of the same….

  4. Our family is so happy the right person for Salisbury won. Now maybe we can finally get rid of all the Jake Day foolishness . I hope he cleans out the unneeded bike paths, roundabouts, narrow streets with concrete dividers changing them to one lane only. This will make motorists very happy. Our new mayor from what Mike Lewis and a lot agree is more grounded. Thank God we have a new mayor & welcome to his new position

  5. AWESOME…. get Salisbury in the Conservative program.

    *Repaint over the Trans cross walks

    *GET RID of positions not needed

    * Stop the annual GAY FESTIVAL with bands that Gay Day put together

    Again congratulations

  6. At least they removed the big hump barriers behind the hospital. Wonder how much Jake Gay cost you city folks for that?

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