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A Venn diagram for Kamala on her job performance

Kamala treats her cackling joy over “Venn diagrams” as the punchline of a joke. Unfortunately, nations across the globe consider her the joke.

Just what is a Venn diagram? “A Venn diagram is an illustration that uses circles to show the relationships among … groups of things.” While mathematics can speak to overlaying populations and give answers statistical significance, Kamala uses Venn diagrams for social issues, like “climate, public health and education,” “voting rights, women’s rights and gay rights,” and “attacks, whose against and similarities.” Kamala’s Venn diagrams serve merely to highlight talking points she writes in the overlapping regions, making them appear mathematical answers.

Let’s create a Venn diagram concerning Kamala’s presidential electability crossed with her vice-presidential accomplishments.

Kamala’s first “accomplishment” is “border czar.” Appointed “border czar” in March of 2021, by June of 2021, Kamala had not yet visited the border. NBC interviewed the veep June 8, 2021, asking why she had not visited the border. Kamala responded, “I haven’t been to Europe.” With this strange comment, the article noted, “she diverted the conversation.”

Finally, on June 25, 2021, Kamala visited the border at El Paso, Texas, 800 miles from where the major action is occurring. A writer at The Daily Beast stated, “What Harris seemed to understand intuitively was that no good could come from an awkward photo-op of the Vice President of the United States standing, with a clueless expression on her face, in front of storage containers holding dozens of refugee kids.”


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