A while back I wrote these words: “The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania certified its 2020 election despite the undisputed fact that it had recorded 202,000 more ballots cast than voters.”
Recently, that statement was challenged by someone who made this comment: “Says who?”
The comment is snarky but fair. My declaration warrants an in-depth explanation, so here it is.
The Analysis
Pennsylvania has a unique voter registration system, called SURE. Like every other voter registration system, the SURE system comprises all legally registered voters in the state. However, it also includes a subcategory of registered voters: the ones who actually voted in the last election (in this case, the 2020 election).
Because of that special subcategory (registered voters who actually voted), it is possible to compare the total ballots cast in the 2020 election to the total voters who participated in that election. The numbers must match because there has to be a one-to-one relationship between voters and ballots. If parity does not exist, something is wrong.
Verity Vote (V.V.) is a Pennsylvania data analysis firm headed by Heather Honey. For the 2020 election, V.V. prepared a careful and detailed comparison of voters who participated in the election vs. ballots cast. Here are the V.V. findings:
- When PA certified its election on November 24, 2020, there were about 202,000 more ballots cast than identifiable voters. In other words, there was a large voter deficit.
- In late January 2021, when the 67 PA counties finally posted all voter information into the SURE registration system, there was still a voter deficit — about 121,000.
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Democrats don’t like democracy they like brutal regimes like Communism
Says the Whole country !!!