I see the drag queens, black-masked thugs, and vagina hat wearing spinsters at every Democrat party event. I know the Dems are the party of radicals, community organizers, and the occasional posse-organizing bartender. But there are also a great many average Joes who habitually vote Democrat. The average Joe is a law-abiding, churchgoing family man who votes Democrat because he wants to make the world better — and has been led to believe that the Dems want that also.
The average Joe:
- Wants some social safety nets — but not over $33 trillion of debt.
- Wants clean air and water — but not at the expense of worldwide destitution.
- Believes that immigration has been good for America — but doesn’t support open borders.
- Believes in showing tolerance to others — but not the destruction of Judeo-Christian values.
- Believes we can improve our society — but not by abandoning our founding principles.
So why does Joe vote for the party of debt, invasion, racism, socialism, and moral relativism?
Joe has always voted for Democrats because a vote for Republicans is unthinkable. A vote for a Republican would be a vote for
- Putting Blacks back in chains,
- Pushing grandma off a cliff,
- Returning women to their role as domestic servants,
- Turning the Earth into a lifeless cinder, and
- Giving machine guns to every deranged nut looking for a headline.
In short, Joe has bought the “Republicans are evil” rubbish of the propagandists. True evil always masquerades as virtue. Joe has simply been fooled by the virtuous mask — so he votes Democrat.
It takes a significant shock to change one’s worldview — especially after decades of indoctrination. Before anyone can change long-held beliefs, they usually need to be mugged by reality.
The events of Loudon County, Virginia were a tremor to the Democrat party. The school board decided that parents had no right to parent, and even had a father arrested for trying. Average Joe noticed and reacted. The Loudon County fault caused a political change in a few state offices and a bunch of school leadership positions. But it was only a minor tremor. Joe and his pals spackled the cracks in the wall and went back to sleep before the midterm election.
Should Trade Democrats for the Hostages !!!!!!
Trade Biden & Harris for the Hostages !!!!!! Fair Trade