BERLIN– Town officials approved the transfer of property expected to one day be home to a community center.
The Berlin Town Council last week unanimously approved the transfer of two parcels of property from the Berlin Community Improvement Association (BCIA) to the Town of Berlin. The parcels, currently home to Head Start and a multi-purpose building, will be added to property already owned by the town that is slated for a community center.
“That’s going to make a beautiful community center site,” Councilwoman Shaneka Nichols said.
Mayor Zack Tyndall told the council during last week’s meeting that the town was continuing its efforts to consolidate the parcels near the multi-purpose building so a community center could be built on Flower Street.
“What we’re doing here, if the group remembers, we had an MOU where we entered into an agreement with the BCIA and Shore Up to be able to say hey we’re going to work together and consolidate these parcels for the purpose of a community center,” Tyndall said. “If it’s not used for a community center those parcels of property would go back to the BCIA.”