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Is Jake Day still screwing SBY? 

Did you know the residence of Moss Hill Townhouse got a letter increasing their rent from $1034 a month to $2700 a month starting in March 2024?

Did you know Moss Hill townhouse  will all be Section 8?
Stand by SBY – the illegals will be houses in Moss Hill SBY, I bet thanks to Jake Day Housing authority.
God Help you all

15 thoughts on “Is Jake Day still screwing SBY? ”

  1. does anyone know who actually owns the Moss Hill Apartments. Let’s put this person’s name out to the public so everyone knows who this person is. Bet it comes back as a LLC and no one will own up to it but someone out there knows.

    1. Apparently, Moss Hill and Brookridge are still owned by the heirs of Milford Twilley. Both are listed as limited partnerships in tax records.

  2. I’ve been taking names and notes of what our Wicomico County elected and appointed officials have been doing for a while now. If the time comes that I can not afford to retain ownership of of my property due to outrageous taxes, or other unacceptable laws and mandates, I will retrieve my list and take appropriate action. I will not lose property that has been in the family for over 100 years due to unqualified people running our county, giving our money away, and making piss poor stupid decisions. I’m elderly now and don’t have much time to spend in prison, so have at it Wicomico County officials, but think of your own futures as well.

  3. Thanks to Md Democrats SBY Condo fees just went up $500 per year Totaling $2000.00 per year in our
    location behind Parkside H.S !!!! People will have to Leave !!! These fees are Toooo High !!!!!

  4. I have lived in a lot of places over my long lifetime. State and local taxes are incredibly low here. I don’t understand what you all are complaining about.

    1. Your must frequent the weed shops on a daily basis if you think Maryland has low taxes…it is one of the worst states to retire in…

  5. Jake Day is head of the housing authority in maryland now lol. The government is paying for these apartment complexes and townhomes, rental properties to house the illegals. Not looking out for Americans keep on voting these no good people in office. The government is ruining this country.

  6. you will own nothing while eating bugs and you WILL be happy. while they the corrupt evil doers own everything!
    then you’ll have to ask for permission for everything you do! just like the slave/peon you are, along with your worthless offspring!

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