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Federal Judge Strikes Down CA Assault Weapons Ban as Unconstitutional

Judge Roger Benitez, presiding over the Southern District Court, again struck down California’s so-called “Assault Weapons” ban as unconstitutional on Thursday. Benitez issued a stay to allow the state to appeal the case, which they will most assuredly do.


3 thoughts on “Federal Judge Strikes Down CA Assault Weapons Ban as Unconstitutional”

  1. MD needs to join in on these unconstitutional lawsuits. I am an NRA MEMBER and will be the first to sign if they need someone who is a constitutionalist and believes in law and order. I also believe in my rights given to me by the COSTITUTION which gives me the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. I had to pass a background check for 22 years and they also have my fingerprints and had to qualify on a POLICE approved range and course . Then the STATE tells me I am not qualified is definitely wrong and unconstitutional.

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