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DAVID MARCUS: Hamas’s useful idiots in Congress couldn’t wait for the truth about that Gaza hospital horror – and instantly made the world more dangerous. How deluded can you get!

Why bother waiting to learn the truth about the most horrific escalation yet in this febrile Israel-Hamas conflict, when you can jump on your soapbox and opine with righteous authority?

After all, that’s what two elected US Congresswomen – Democrat Squad Sisters Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar – did following the blast at Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza City on Tuesday, which left countless dead.

The images were indescribably awful. Bloodied, mangled bodies littered a parking lot. Others – men, women, children – lay dead and dying inside.

Hamas sources claimed an Israeli airstrike was to blame for the slaughter. The world held its breath and braced for more information.

Well, not Tlaib and Omar, who rushed to join a chorus of Hamas propogandists and pour gasoline of the raging inferno of Mideast war.

‘Israel just bombed the Baptist Hospital killing 500 Palestinians (doctors, children, patients) just like that,’ Tlaib posted on Twitter.

‘Palestinian Americans and Muslims Americans like me… will remember where you stood,’ she warned.


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