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DANIEL MCCARTHY: Biden’s A Loser, But Dems Are Stuck With Him


If Joe Biden is their nominee, Democrats will lose the White House next year. That conclusion gets harder to deny with each passing week. But what can Democrats do about it?

The latest ABC News/Washington Post poll has Biden trailing Donald Trump by nine points, 42 to 51%. Progressive pundits have reacted with denial, anger and bargaining. 

The once-mainstream psephologist Larry Sabato could only rage on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter: “It’s a ridiculous outlier (Trump up 10 over Biden — laughable). My question: How could you even publish a poll so absurd on its face?”

Where would the profession be if pollsters discarded the data every time they didn’t like what their surveys told them? Behind the numbers are some basic facts that Democrats ignore at their peril: The president’s age and questionable capacity to do his job are serious concerns for voters, with 74% of those polled by ABC saying Biden is too old for another term.

Doubts about his fitness will grow as voters see more of him on the campaign trail. Only 23% approve of the way Biden is handling immigration. He fares little better when voters are asked about the economy: just 30% approve of his performance. 


2 thoughts on “DANIEL MCCARTHY: Biden’s A Loser, But Dems Are Stuck With Him”

  1. We need to send this luciferian stooge packing..sad thing is him Obama and others have planted luciferians useful idiots thru out gov..
    Pray hard.

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