Last night I got several first hand stories about this event and frankly each story blew me away.
I’ll start with what I thought was the craziest, the Coast Guard. One friend told me they were taking their pontoon boat through the inlet to head into the ocean and view the event from there. However, a Coast Guard Cutter was blocking, (per se) the mouth of the inlet stopping anyone from entering the ocean. My friend has a captains license and is an avid fisherman and he argued with the Coast Guard telling them they had no right to do so. They told him if he wanted to go out SIX miles into the ocean that would be fine but they were not allowed to stay anywhere near the beach.
The town of Ocean City closed off a large portion of the boardwalk and even put up black material so you couldn’t see what was going on. The town was also charging $100.00 per car to park on municipal parking lots.
All bars within the quarantined area must close at midnight and they were all charging a cover charge to get in. There were a lot of people who left the event early because it was so packed you literally couldn’t move. One person told me it took an hour and twenty minutes just to get a beer. Someone else told me there was 110,000 people there last night.
Nevertheless, do you think going to events like this is actually worth it?
Wouldn’t go to it even if they paid me. Sounds like the town said the hell with the people who have been coming here for years and the locals also just for this event.
The costs are overwhelming, that’s for sure!
Locals too poor for these prices !!!! NOT worth it !!!
I received a call letting me know that some friends bought two mixed drinks, (doubles) in the larger cups and their final cost was $73.00 after tip.
I find it amazing that the EXISTING merchants are the town taxpayers businesses………
With tickets going from $135 – $950 for an Ocean City event, are you nuts?
Bunch of Fools with $$$$ to Blow !!! Better SAVE that for Biden-omics !!!!
Is an event like this worth it? I’m sure the revenue helps the city – how could it not?
As for me, no thanks. Standing in a crowded parking lot in the rain is not my idea of fun. I don’t drink, so there is no appeal to that part of things for me, but the ridiculous cover charge, parking and general atmosphere doesn’t appeal to me, even though a few of the acts do.
I’m sure there will be those who are thrilled about this event, and every first time event will have things that will need to be adjusted for the following year, but overall for me, I wasn’t interested at all.
…but I’m an old fart, so who cares what I think, right?
Worth it to me? No but I’m glad OC is doing it, for the younger people mostly…as long as it’s not the “peaceful protest” people.
The spreadsheets should be public records.
i had better seats for aerosmith for less money!
These acts were NOT worth the money > OVERPRICED !!!
Why don’t you run for Ocean City Mayor? You could then make common sense decisions unlike this one.
I live in West Ocean City, not on the Island. I have no interest in becoming a politician anyway. I firmly believe most politicians are crooked starting at a local level all the way up to the presidency. We need a massive colon cleansing of all politicians. American citizens are slaves to this country and if you disagree with me tell me how much money you have in your savings account verses your income. We pay the full amount of taxes when we purchase our homes and cars. We get taxed yearly on OUR own property. Taxes on gasoline, the list goes on and on. Groceries are way out of control. We’re being forced to go to electric vehicles and you better believe our government will be taxing us by the mile while electric rates not only go through the roof, we can’t sustain enough electricity now, let alone when every household will be using that much more energy. It’s time, (soon) to fully retire, move to the Carolinas and disappear off the grid. I, (like so many of you) give up. To think IRS agents will be carrying guns, wake the hell up people. This country has gone to sh!t. Much like who would ever want to become a cop today, why the hell would anyone want to be in politics. Like I said earlier, this country needs a massive colon cleansing.
I have to say that it doesn’t look like much fun. Kudos to the Coast Guard for prohibiting boats in the area – if it had been open, there would have been LOTS of boats out there carrying LOTS of drunken and stoned passengers bobbing around.
C3 was large and in charge of this event. No Rickie and crew. The signs, the fencing, the mobile security areas off the main drag. Everything was choreographed to operation procedures that if any outsiders were involved, they were 3rd or 4th down the line. C3 knows how to cone into a town, fill those hotel, coordinate an enclosed surrounding where THEY would make their money. 25oz Mich Ultra 16.00. Everything higher. Cocktails doubles…indeed $$$$$
C3 productions in charge. Today is it and in 2 days POOF they will be gone. Hell they were even in charge of 100% recylcing. A word we dont discuss because it costs too much.
Its over, most of us drove to the inlet entrance and rode around seeing all the peeps then headed north to our local bars and enjoyed. Dont recall seeing any “problems” friday or sat nites” either.” Why? The event outpriced trouble, nor trouble could get close to the event. Plus the weather sucked for trouble since they dont come out when raining. Win win for all….and maybe a future lessen learned for the town. You need to PAY to keep folks safe. You already know how to overprice….maybe a business model adjustment in the near future….or step down and let someone else lead the way.
Bottom line Rick, C3 used your facilities and will leave making you thing you won. Show the paperwork bub.
ALot of $$$$$$$$$ waisted !!