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More Schools Moving To 4-Day Week

Hundreds of institutions are using this strategy to retain teachers amid a shortage and to improve the lives of students and faculty.

The four-day week has become a trend following the COVID-19 lockdowns. Many schools are either skipping Mondays or Fridays.

While schools are looking to hold on to teachers, some parents are unhappy with the change as it forces them to arrange childcare for an extra day.

Researchers have also pointed out that this solution may only be a band-aid fix.

“If we’re thinking about you know, retention because teachers are stressed out and now, they only have to deal with it for four days instead of five. So maybe they’ll stay in the classroom longer,” Christopher Doss, a policy researcher at RAND Corporation stated. “You know that that may or may not be true, but at the end of the day, you’re not really looking at the underlying causes of stress in the education system, whether that be kind of financial budgets that are too small or if we’re talking about mental health or other types of stress that teachers and students face.”


8 thoughts on “More Schools Moving To 4-Day Week”

  1. Has anyone heard if the Wicomico County Board of Education is considering a 4-day school weeks? As a teacher, I believe a 4-day school week is a wonderful idea. By the fifth day, students are exhausted and tune out anything being taught and said to them.

    1. 11:25 – do us all a favor and shut up. You get every benefit and perk imaginable and the write this crap looking for another way to do less. How about you amuse the rest of us by taking a job in the real world?

  2. I’m a teacher and I think this is crazy. What we really need is strong discipline in our schools and a back to basic work effort for students. We already can’t meet the crazy goals set for us with a population that can’t do the most basic of educational tasks. A four day work week just makes that even more unachievable.

  3. “By the fifth day, students are exhausted and tune out anything being taught and said to them.”.

    Then they are lazy and stupid children (from lazy and stupid parents). Kids in the 1950’s could handle 5 days. Japanese kids can handle half say Saturday school. And your kids are ‘too tired”- are they lifting heavy weights? Are they AT ALL being intellectually challenged,

    No- they cannot read, write or do basic math. They know nothing of history, philosophy, religion or art. They are slaves, and you are helping to make them mental slaves.


  4. sure sounds good, as long as the teachers and all individuals connected with the public education system take a 20% pay cut since they aren’t working a full week! WBOE budget cut by 20%? Love this idea!

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