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The No-Virus Theory From an Austrian Perspective

We students of Austrian Economics are also research students of history, which is our lab work.

Let’s for a minute conduct a “thought experiment” where, 100 years from now in 2123, virtually no one has ever heard of Ludwig von Mises or what we call Austrian Economics.

Instead, the world is dominated (as it is today) only by the so-called economics of John Maynard Keynes and his disciples – but in this frightening future there’s no opposition.

No Hayek. No Rothbard. No Hoppe. No Ron Paul. No Mises Institute.
Would the Wikipedia of that time answer searches for “Austrian Economics” by sending you to a page titled “Keynesian Denialism?”

Would Mises’s writings, if they existed at all, be vilified by people who’d otherwise say they’re committed to freedom? Would they get problems about money and government somewhat right but not provide the real solutions because they never learned another way to think?

Today we live in a parallel world to that nightmare in the fields of Biology and Medicine, which were hijacked back in the late 1800s.

This was done by those who saw that great profit and power would be theirs by selling to the public, and to history, the Germ Theory of Biology, and by crushing into near oblivion the early blossoming of the Terrain School’s research and acceptance.

And they succeeded. We never learned another way to think.

As a result, a new field called virology was created, and today is viewed without question as the dominant understanding of health and disease.

However, virology has been built on a false anti-science foundation. And the worst part is, it was THE LEVER used to create the recent multi-year, worldwide, most comprehensive and simultaneous tyranny in recorded history – that’s not even over yet.


1 thought on “The No-Virus Theory From an Austrian Perspective”

  1. 100 years from now??? If ”we the people” don’t get this sh*t show turned around in November of next year, we’ll be lucky to make the next decade.

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