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Masks Won’t Save You – But these Critical Medications Can!

If there’s one thing we learned from the pandemic, it’s that Big Pharma won’t let a good crisis go to waste. By inciting panic and restricting access to effective medicines, the FDA can turn a mild virus into a deadly one, and force lucrative experimental “vaccines” onto the population.

We saw it happen it with Ivermectin at the height of the last pandemic – the medical industrial complex lied about the efficacy and safety of ivermectin, all so they could fast-track their “vaccine” and rake in billions.

What’s worse: no one has been charged with a crime, setting the stage for a repeat of the COVID19 playbook. So, what can we do?

Be prepared.

Whether medical emergencies come in the form of a bioweapon or something much more mundane like a tick bite – you and your family need to be prepared. That’s where The Wellness Company comes in.

You know the Wellness Company: their courageous doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media speaking out against the broken medical establishment.

Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of the corrupting influence of Big Pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next pandemic:

“I’ve strongly recommended “stock piling” critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family and patients have benefited.  Now, in summer of 2023, this recommendation is even more crucial.”


3 thoughts on “Masks Won’t Save You – But these Critical Medications Can!”

  1. We need to insist that our doctors give us Ivermectin and Hydroxycloraquine, BECAUSE THEY WORK!!!! We DO NOT want Remdesavire!!!

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