There are many reasons why we are now living under perhaps the greatest tyranny any people has had to contend with. We’ve heard horrific things about the Nazis, and the Soviets, the Red Chinese, etc. But the sources for that are part of this tyranny. I don’t know how true any of those claims are. I do know how bad America 2.0 is.
Behind all of our problems is a very small group. Very small. We are indeed just like sheep, being herded around by a single dog. Democracy, which our leaders claim is the form of government we live under, is supposed to mean rule by majority. Our leaders established a constitutional republic, not a democracy. But if we accept their contention for hypothetical purposes, then it must be acknowledged that in this democracy, the overwhelming majority of citizens have absolutely no power, and no say over how things are done. We let obscene political “representatives,” militarized police, increasingly unhinged but well-funded activists, and supposed “experts” of varying sorts decide what will be done, or (usually) not done.
It’s like a bunch of strapping adults decided to permit a handful of toddlers with severe behavioral problems to boss them around and beat them with sticks. Waiting for their unformed, and cognitively challenged little minds to decide what to do. And then unquestioningly following. The majority of Americans have turned into lethargic masochists, cuckolds, and willing indentured servants. Some of them take out their pent up rage on their closest loved ones. But never at those who are responsible for the rage. Those who are frustrating them, creating chronic stress, and literally making them sick through their ass backwards priorities and irrational actions