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RINO Wannabe Candidates Dodge Defining 2024 Election Issue

The sparks were flying at the July 15 “Family Leadership Summit” in Des Moines Iowa, and as a result of the viral videos and outraged commentary, Conservatives across America soon knew all about it. Tucker Carlson, who is now totally free from the fetters of the ostensibly fair and balanced Fox “News,” pulled no punches as he grilled prospective 2024 Republican presidential candidates, including South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, independent entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, and former Vice-President Mike Pence.

By far the most noteworthy exchange took place between Carlson and Pence, during which Pence appeared to say that the situation in Ukraine, not America, was his chief concern. Predictably, Pence has since loudly decried that interpretation of his comments, claiming that he was “taken out of context.” Still, it was his most memorable remark of the day, since his other responses to Carlson’s hardball queries were rife with Beltway “Insider” speak, and given the dire plight in which our Nation finds itself, far from encouraging.

Ultimately, no one among this Presidential Primary “Second String” was able to present a plan that could rally and invigorate attendees. Instead, they all reflected a penchant for returning the Federal Government to the golden days of “business as usual,” during which the Democrats lurched America inevitably to the left, generating angry fund-raising letters to Republican constituents, but only tepid “protests” from the GOP on the House and Senate floors, where it mattered.

Eventually, Carlson got around to the most significant issue of this entire campaign season, which was the stolen Presidential Election of 2020 and what, if anything, might be done to prevent a recurrence next year. At this point, every single candidate ran for the tall grass. Some contend that Vivek Ramaswamy actually addressed it. But a closer look at his commentary proves otherwise.

Ramaswamy did concede that the election was not completely forthright. But his focus was specifically directed at the coordinated FBI/DOJ suppression of damaging information on the Hunter Biden laptop, and how that amounted to “election interference.” Admittedly, those events did take place, and in saner times would have been cause for massive public outcry. Yet they are still secondary to the elephant in the room. Ramaswamy was careful to side step any mention of the glaring fraud, corruption, and chicanery which the Nation witnessed on Election night 2020, and in the early morning hours of the following day.

That was when vote counts in six states where President Trump held massive leads simultaneously and “mysteriously” stopped, with the even more unbelievable (literally) result a few hours later that all six had reversed, giving Biden razor thin “victories” in every one. The statistical impossibility of this randomly happening exceeds the unlikely chain of events whereby Jeffrey Epstein just as “mysteriously” died, ostensibly by “suicide,” amid massive surveillance and monitoring, all of which likewise “mysteriously” shut down at the required moment and restarted after the dirty deed had been accomplished.


1 thought on “RINO Wannabe Candidates Dodge Defining 2024 Election Issue”

  1. I watched this from start to finish when it aired, and Ron DeSantis stood out very well – heads and shoulders above everyone else. Tim Scott and Vivek had some good points as did Haley, but Pence….. oofff…… he killed his career that night.

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